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Haha... My aunt had booked us on Friday to have dinner tonight. So, she treated us for dinner. Hehehe... As usual, I won't blog much tonight as I'm tired already. Hm... Got class tomorrow morning. Well, I guess you guys don't have to know this. Hehe... So, let's summarize it xP Hm... Okay, here are some of the pictures of food at Boston Restaurant...
we shared this together LOL...
nice huh??? hehehe...YUMMY!!!
this is what I ordered for myself^^ slurrp..!

loves that drink so much. It's kinda soda drink LOL... Okay, that's all for tonight. Good Night^^
Haha... 2 days left and my birthday is here! Hehehe... I'm so happy and I can't wait anymore. I can't wait to celebrate my birthday this year cause according to my sis, Look Out Point, Ampang is a nice view at night. Can view the whole KL! Gosh... And my dad promises me to celebrate my birthday there for dinner. Hehe... But, i'm quite sad also. Cause I still got many places to go. For example, 4 seasons restaurant, Ninja restaurant, and so on. Hm... But it's okay. SLOWLY... Hehe... Cannot be greedy one. Haha...
LOL it's my first day of school today after the two weeks of school holidays. Actually, it's not really a school holiday for me cause I got school during the holidays lol...for God sake lah wei... It's so damn bloody boring! But thanks to the rain. Got no assembly today. Hehehe...otherwise I'll be deaf! Hehe... Anyway, today's hell day! Haha... Well, as you know, we've just finish our exam before the school holidays and now, school reopen! All the teachers are carrying our exam results on their arm. heart is pumping and beating crazily lol! I'm scared of my results. Is it GOOD? Or BAD? I also don't know! Haha... When teacher started to call my name " Jasmine, " God... I'm nervous! Sweats roll down my cheek. Hm...and you know what? Haha... I scored!!! Yeah! I've screwed them out. Exam! I've screwed you! Hehe... FINALLY... My day had ended with full of nervous after 2.15pm. That time's over! Haha... Now, am totally happy about it but,..still not satisfied with my results lah although I pass. My target is to scored " A1 " not A2 or B3/4!! Lol... But it's okay! I'll try my best! I promise! I've to change myself in studying. No LAST MINUTE! Hehe... SPM! I must screw you up! Haha... Jasmine Lee, you can pass one! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! Hehehe...
Lol I've tuition today and it's already the second week of the month. So, I've to pay my fees and you know what??? I've no money to pay!!! mum didn't give me the money to pay the fees. Well.., at first I thaught that she'd forgoten about it. So, I digged it out from my " angpow " money. I took 150 bucks out from my red packet. And I borrowed my maid's 85 bucks and my fees was like 230 bucks all together. Hm...and when I'm back home, I asked the money back from my mum and you know what she replied??? " I've already given it to you two weeks ago! " Lol...her two weeks. HAIZ... I told her that I didn't take the money as it was so late already. And if I were have to pay it tomorrow, I got to leave the house hse early in the morning as my class starts at 10.20 a.m. and I'll usually leave the house at 9.30 a.m. But if I were REALLY have to pay the fees, then I've to leave at 9 a.m. instead of 9.30 a.m. LOL!!! So, I told her that it might be too tiring for daddy cause he will be in a rush as he needs to go to the market. And she said "OK, she'll give it to me next week " But I didn't attend the class as my mum and dad went to HONG KONG and they came back late morning around 3.30 a.m. ... I'm afraid that my dad got not enough rest, so I said I don't wanna go, let him rest at home. Hm...aiyah, CONCLUSION is.., I'M LAZY!!! Hehehe... So, fine! I don't wanna argue with her as she kept saying that she already given me the money last two weeks LOL! It's okay. I can pay my fees by using my own money! BUT, I wonder, how the hell am I going to pay back my maid her 85 bucks??? Hm...